Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Week #71

This week was the coldest week I have ever experienced in my life, and let me tell you why. It has literally been -39 everyday here with the wind chill. Tuesday Destiny had all 4 of us over for a pizza party and we watched Prophet of The Restoration it was really good. When we went in to her house the snow on our shoes had melted and became wet, and when we left her house to go home, we put our shoes back on and right when we stepped outside our shoes immediately froze to the ground.......haha I had to lift my foot up pretty hard off the ground and then I could walk again. isn't that crazy? And then on Wednesday it was -40 so we weren't aloud to proselyte because it is really dangerous, so we went to the other elders apartment to do some planning and to have lunch, and when I walked to there door, my eyes were watery and when I blinked my eye lids froze shut...ha but I was able to lift them so it wasn't that bad but it was really cold.

Elder Wilson and I officially became companions Wednesday night! and on on Wednesday night we just did work! we met with a Filipino family and set up an appointment with them on Tuesday, they are very prepared. We were very diligent. On Thursday we walked all day in -39 which is about -36 or -37 F and I had my parka all zipped up and I was layered and everything, well.......while we were walking I thought it would be funny to stick my tongue to the back of my zipper to see what would happen, and haha....uhhh it stuck like in the movie A Christmas Story.....it was really scary I had to pull my tongue off of it and it ripped a chuck of skin off my tongue and it was bleeding it hurt really bad and the skin from my tongue was still stuck to my zipper after I had pulled it off. It is so cold that when we breath we literally cough up a lung and so cold that our named tags had frost all over them. It was a brutal week......But luckily today it is only -20 so it is not that bad today.

On Saturday Elder Wilson and I we didn't have a whole lot to do, so we asked god to help us with what we had and to make it enough, we ended up contacting a potential investigator who is Filipino and she invited us to her nephew's birthday party on Sunday. We were able to talk to a lot of people on Saturday and we were busy. I know that if we do all we can and we take to the lord what we have and ask him to make it enough, he will and he will bless us with more, as we act for our selves and be sincere he will make what we have enough. 

So on Sunday we went to that Filipino birthday party, and we were able to set up an appointment with our potential investigator, and during that party we split up, Elder Wilson was talking to our Filipino friend and I went into the kitchen and started talking with the other Filipinos, with the Tagalog that I know. And our Filipino friend that invited us over she lives with her sister and her sisters son was the one having the birthday party and so I was talking to her sisters husband Henny, and turns out he is a less active member of the church! He grew up Mormon all of his life and in order to marry his wife he had to convert to Roman Catholic. I asked him if he still believes in the church and he says he still kinda does, and because he still kinda does he doesn't do the cross symbol at Catholic mass. He said that his book of Mormon was still in the Philippines. I asked him if we could just come and share a Christmas message with him and his family, he said he would talk to his wife. At the end of the party all of the Filipinos just loved us even all the little kids, and Henny's wife said that were are welcome any time and that their door is always open for us.  In 1 Nephi 10:19 it says "For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round". I know that that is true.

 This week is going to be really good we have an appointment with some one of our members and they are having their friends over for family home evening, and we were able to meet them at the Christmas devotional they are from Mexico, we are excited to teach them. The work is true even in -40 

Love you and all of you so much! :))
-Elder Clark

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Week #70

Hello Mother,

Elder Wilson and I are serving together!!! Oh my goodness we are going to kill it down here. This is his last transfer. He trained me and now I get to kill him ( which means be with him his last transfer) We are both so excited ha.

 Speaking of cold weather....the last few days have been -40 which is -40 in F. it has been really cold. 

Well this week was good. I went on exchanges with Elder Wilson, and we just did work. The Valdez family have been praying for someone that we could teach and one of their Filipino friends contacted them and saw that there was pictures of us on face book with the Valdez Family, and so she approached them and said my parents are members in the Philippines. Brother Valdez asked her how come she was not a member and she laughed. She said that she would like us to come over. We were able to contact her at her house this week and she said we were welcome over any time so we are going to meet with her this Thursday I hope i didn't already tell you this. Mom guess what?? I learned how to make Pan Set!!! it is a Filipino dish. I learned how to make it from Sister Valdez and I can make it taste just like she makes it. I made it spicy too. I have actually learned how to cook some good stuff on my mission. And all the stuff I need for pan set I can easily get in Washington, just need to go to an Asian store and it will all be there. I am going to make it for all of you when I get home. you will just love it!

We are still teaching Destiny.  Our lessons with her have been really really good. She told us that she had the most amazing experience at church. She said that she had so many questions and concerns and when she came to church it all went away. She said the feeling that she felt she could not explain, that is was more amazing then holding her son in her arms for the first time!!!! holy the spirit must have smacked her eh? and then every lesson that we have had since then has been golden. She said that she knows that this is the right path for her.

Here is a funny story haha.....so we tried to show the Christmas devotional here in Steinbach....and we handed out invitations like crazy and we couldn't get the WIFI to work......at all..... we had 7 non members there and just could not get anything to work.....so Brother Larson and I got up and entertained the audience for a while and we still couldn't get it to work...so we just all visited and had refreshments and we set up a dinner appointment with 2 non members and then a family of 3 said we were welcome at there home any time. hahaha it still worked out though.

Well I think that is about it. I am really excited to start serving with Elder Wilson we both are so ready, I am still the district leader. It is time to get work done! 

Love you all so much! :) :)
-Elder Clark 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Week #69

Hello mother,

Well this week was really interesting.

 This week was really slow. So all of our service has been shot because we have basically been asked to leave very nicely because we are Mormon. However we prayed for snow, so we just shoveled driveways like crazy and we did find some potentials from it. But yeah with our service being no more, we are struggling keeping busy. But we got that media referral like I was telling you about and we have been teaching this lady Destiny. Her husband is a less active member in Jamaica, and she is solid we taught her twice last week and she came to church on Sunday. We will be meeting with her this week too.

We will also be meeting with pastor Stan, we will see how that goes. Transfer calls are this Friday. If Elder Wilson and I get put together we would kill this area, we would get it going.

Mom....do you ever feel that you have too much charity sometimes?? ha maybe that is a good thing.

We went to the Filipino basketball game this Saturday at the school and we were handing out fliers and there was a pastor there just staring us down. Man my mission has been such an adventure.

This Saturday I am going to Fort Frances!!! Nancy is getting baptized and president is letting me go down. One of the members here in Steinbach is Nancy's nephew, so we are going down and the other 3 elders are staying here. I cannot wait to go down! :)

Well I don't really know what else to say. Oh the Valdez family received an answer to their prayers. They were praying for a family to teach and their neighbors who are Filipino approached the Valdez family and said that their parents are Mormon in the Philippines and that they want us to come over. We met the neighbors at the game and she said you are welcome any time elders. Also my Tagalog is getting better. I am learning new things to say and it helps me gain their trust! ha

Well the gospel is true! Love you and all of you so much! :)
-Elder Clark

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Week #68

Hello mother,
Sounds like you did have the best Sunday ever.
Well this week was really really good. The zone leaders came down to exchange with us and it went well. We were very busy this week because it snowed and when it snows we just walk around with shovels all day and just shovel peoples drive ways, we found some people from it too.
Wednesday we were really busy with service and we went to the baptist bible study again, but I think that will be the last time we will go because they were being pretty rude about other religions. Also on Wednesday we taught Pastor Stan and he had a a lot of good questions. He became a new investigator too. We have an appointment with him next Wednesday. He had a lot of good points that he brought up and as I took the questions in prayer I was able to find the answers in my personal study. My testimony has grown of personal study, we really can receive personal revelation. It was really good.
We did have some opposition this week but nothing too bad. A pastor didn't want us at the activities at his church which is fine.
Also our service is getting cut back, mainly because we did too much and now they don't really need us.  When I see a Filipino in the store I just go up and say Kamusta ka! and they get all excited that I can speak their language. A lot of Filipinos have family and friends that are Mormon and so they always say that we can come over. Hopefully we will be meeting with Roel this week who is a Filipino.
Things are going really good though. It is getting really cold already it was -30 the last few days ha. Last night I sang a solo at a fireside, I sang The First Noel. It went good....I think.
We are going to open mic night tomorrow actually so that will be fun, I don't know what we are doing yet though.
We just got a media referral. Apparently there is a lady from Jamaica 5 min away from us and her husband and family are LDS and she wants to learn, so that is a huge miracle!! we will hopefully meet with her this week :)
Well it is crazy that I will be talking to you in about 30 days........
I really love being out here. I can't not even explain to you how much it has helped me and changed my life.
Love you and all of you so much!
-Elder Clark :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Week #67

Hello Mother!

We had a great week! ha

On Tuesday we continued to visit all the churches, as we were walking and talking with everyone we found a lot of people to teach. Later that night we went to open mic night! I did a drum solo for about 4 minuets! And we got 2 potential investigators from it! gotta use your talents for the gospel. I didn't mess up at all and it was a really good solo. On Wednesday we set up an appointment with a Mennonite pastor who we will be teaching this Wednesday. I have taught a lot of pastors on my mission, it is fun. 

Every Wednesday we do service at the MCC thrift store. The people there are really starting to like us. There is this one German lady there and I try to learn the language she is funny. Then on Wednesday night we went to the baptist bible study and we found someone to teach from it! we are teaching him tomorrow evening. Thursday was a little slow, but we found stuff to do, we ended up playing basketball with the Filipinos,

Every Friday we have service at the soup kitchen. Which is at the Grace Mennonite church. The people love us there! we are really getting out in the community here. Things are going good. Friday evening we went to the Filipino basketball game and we are making really good connections there. Saturday was good too. We have service at MCC and We found 2 Filipinos to teach there. One of them said my cousin is an elder in the Philippines and my aunt is a Mormon. I said great can we teach you? We saw Roel again in the store on Saturday, he is Filipino as well, he said he would be at basketball tonight, so I sat with him at basketball and he said we could teach him as well. We found a lot of people this week just from service and from walking everywhere.

Well the snow finally came and it won't leave until may.

Guess what?? I am singing The First Noel in a fireside next week in Winnipeg all by myself...... so it will be fun.  There are some members in our ward that just moved from the Tri Cities to Winnipeg....well to each their own hey?

anyway the gospel is true and the book is blue.
love you and all of you so much!
-Elder Clark :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Week #66

I'm in the zone!
This week was really good. We have found a ton of service opportunities. We are doing service for a christian thrift store. All the volunteers are Mennonites and speak German.....some speak English too so we are not too lost, but other than that everyone is speaking some form of German or Russian and you have no idea what is being said. I am grateful that I know some words in German, Russian, and Tagalog.
We found 4 people this last week. We met this man Arthur, he is from France. He said that we could come teach him more. He  missed some of our appointments, but he said that he is really excited to learn.
We also met some guys from South America on the street and I contacted them in my somewhat Spanish haha. Then when we were done with service at the thrift store I saw this guy and he looked Filipino,  so I went over and said hello how are you. He said good. I told him I was new here and he said where from? I said Washington, and then I said where are you from? ( I was being sneaky) he said the Philippines. So I said Kamchatka! which means hello. He got all excited that I knew Tagalog!! haha. He then said, I have seen missionaries in the Philippines and when I saw you guys I had goosebumps! he said that he talked to missionaries when he was back home, and that we could teach him early next week. So we will be seeing him sometime this week.
There are so many Mennonites! it is crazy like 80% of the population is Mennonite. This place is great.
Here is a funny story....hahaha
OK so Brother Valdez is a member here and he is Filipino. He is the president of the Filipino community. So every Friday and Saturday, there is a Filipino basketball night and he is the announcer. On Fridays they have basketball at a Church and Saturdays at the middle school. When we went on Friday we were at the church and the pastor does spiritual thoughts before the games.  He did his thought and then he got up during the game to go use the washroom, and  brother Valdez turns his head to watch him leave out of the door and when he leaves the gym brother Valdez quickly turns the mic on and says...."Special welcome to the Missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, they are here to help us and watch our games. Welcome to Steinbach Elders."
We are also helping out in the soup kitchen. And this past Tuesday, we were walking to go check out a service opportunity and we saw this music store so we went in and they have open mic night on Tuesdays and they provide the instruments. The owner said that 30-40 people come out every Tuesday. Tomorrow night I'm going to open mic night and get on the drums and do a drum solo! all four of use are going to sing a hymn! ha
 We have the nicest apartments in the mission it's ridiculous.
I am glad to hear that everything is going good.
We were walking last night and it was -20 it is getting really cold. The cold winter is coming sooner than last year it seems like.
But I know the church is true that the Gospel is in its fullness. I know that God will always prepare a way for us to accomplish what he wants us to accomplish. I love my life, but time is going way to fast.
p.s. We are getting Tagalog name tags.
Love you sooo sooo much and miss all of you :)
-Elder Clark

Monday, November 4, 2013

Week #65

Hello mother,
 I literally miss that area so much mom. It is kinda of hard for me to adjust right now in my new area, because I miss Fort Frances so much and care about all of the people there a lot. Yeah I think this area is going to be hard as well. The church isn't established, 80% of the community are Mennonites and very strong in their faith, and  there is only  about 3 families that are members here, and no less actives. So we are literally starting from scratch. But that's OK because God wouldn't send us here unless he knew that the area was ready. Brother Valdez, who is a Filipino, lives here in Steinbach. He is the President of the Filipino community....and there is 500 Filipinos here haha so we are going to really work with the Filipinos. We are going to just start a branch here somehow haha. But yeah my companion is from BC he is really good. His name is elder Hodacsek and well he likes to just do everything, and it is very  refreshing,  like I am getting a break. It will be an interesting transfer. We plan on just getting really involved in the community here. Also, there are a lot of Germans here.
The week has been good though, we are just trying to figure out what to do. President does not want us tracting. I am thinking it will be really slow for awhile. But I bet things will pick up.
 So We went to church on Sunday and the second councilor in the bishopric is Ed Grynols nephew. I told him that I baptized his uncle last Sunday and he was just about in tears I guess he had no idea, so I am excited to get to know him.
 I can't believe how fast it is going. The first couple of mornings have been really rough here, like I really do miss Fort Frances, I have been praying a lot and just asking God to let me focus on the now.
Well I know the gospel is true and I can't wait to see what happens this week.
Love you and All of you so much!! :)))
-Elder Clark

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Week #64

Hello mother!
We had the greatest week ever!
We have just been busy teaching and teaching. It is really fun when you are just busy. So we taught Ed and Nancy on Tuesday and Ed said I want to get baptized. So we looked at the calendar and he said how about this Sunday? we said sure thing! ED got baptized and confirmed this Sunday mom! I was able to baptize him. What a great experience that was. Being able  to see a man that was an atheist in his life to believing in something, and then knowing the restored gospel is true. Nancy will be getting baptized next she is so close! their daughter and Ed's brother came for the baptism. We sat in the chapel again so it was a great way to end my last Sunday in Fort Frances, because I am getting transferred to STEINBACH!!! It hasn't been opened up in 20 years I guess. It is also a By-law to not proselyte.... Steinbach is a Mennonite community and I will be serving with Elder Hodaseck. They are putting 4 missionaries in Steinbach. Elder Wilson will be in Steinbach my old trainer from dauphin and he will serve with elder Wallace. I will be the district leader in Steinbach. The church is not established in Steinbach so we have to drive into Winnipeg for church.
It has been an exciting week! We still have been helping Jeremy with his car. It is a lot of fun and a good way to soften his heart. Also we Went and shot Bows with Doug. He almost came to church this Sunday!! I bet if the missionaries keep working with him and loving and serving him, that he will come back to church. Nancy and Ed had us out on Thursday for a bonfire and Hot dogs. Ed hasn't drank since we gave him a blessing which was like 3 weeks ago. The priesthood is real. But anyway Ed and Nancy had a little fight and so Ed went out and bought some cigarettes to make Nancy mad but he didn't smoke them. At the end of the night I said just throw these away so your not tempted Ed because it will be in your sight. Then, Nancy said, "He'll be fine, I will just smoke the rest of them and then I'll be done with smoking." On our way outside to the bonfire I put the cigarettes in my pocket! haha.Aafter we left she had no idea that I took them!  I called them Friday morning to tell them I was going to Steinbach....Nancy answered and said IS THIS ELDER CLARK?! she chewed me out hahaha but we just laughed about it and she said it was probably a good thing.
We had to drive to Warroad on Saturday for a baptismal interview, and then after that we got ready for our movie night at the church. We watched Johnny Lingo. "Mahanna you ugly" we had a really good turn out to it as well.
Everything is going good. I am going to really miss Fort Frances. It is crazy to think that I have been here since the beginning of April. I have been here for 7 and a half months. I don't know how long they will keep me in Steinbach but I guess we will see what happens. It is going to be really interesting to see what happens in Steinbach. But I will  have faith and go and do.

well love you and all of you so much! :) :) :)
-Elder Clark

Monday, October 21, 2013

Week #63

Hello Mother,

Well this week was just great. This whole transfer all we have been doing is teaching. It feels great. On Monday we taught a Lutheran pastor. We have a return appointment with him next week. He actually wants to understand our religion, he is interested, so he is an investigator. Pastors are really fun to teach. We also saw Nancy and Ed this week. Ed wants to get baptized. Interesting about ed is that he was an atheist, The Gospel is true! Also, We traveled to Warroad and went on exchanges. That was a good training opportunity.
When we came home we were just busy with appointments. The members are the secret to missionary work, along with just work. We have been trying to just pace through members and investigators. Oh and by the way, this will make dad proud....so We have been helping an investigator restore his car.  We have been helping him and building things. And I have been welding some steel with him. I still got the touch! a little rusty but I got the touch still! it has literally been so much fun. I Would really like to get welding down. Anyway it has really helped soften his heart that we have been helping him.
Saturday was super super fun. The Osters set up a lunch appointment with Jessica and Ethan. So we had lunch and I taught Ethan how to drum and then we taught the Restoration. They said that they are really open to learn. The Osters are setting up another appointment with them. Sister Nicholson set up a dinner appointment with us and her non-members son. We taught him the plan of salvation and she is also going to set up another appointment for us with him. This is the best way  to find and teach people,  through the members of the church. The Osters are just wonderful. You will have to meet them one day. I would love for you all to meet them.
I can't believe that I am leaving. There is a foundation laid here for missionaries to build the kingdom. Before I leave we are going to try and get 30 people to church by saying it is my last Sunday! haha we will see what happens.
It is -4 today and snowing. I bought a nice fur hat. I am ready for winter. I am so thankful for you I really do miss you and love you all so much. I am just physically tired. Not tired of missionary work, just physically tired, and now its about to get cold and bitter but am no quitter. You truly have to have a testimony of the gospel when you are out in -40 or -50..... ;)
Love you all so much. I know that god is loving and he will never let us fail, if we turn to him first.
love you mom :)
-Elder Clark

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Week #62

Hello mother,
We this morning we had interviews with president over the Internet. And He told me he was going to take me out of Fort Frances, which was well expected. But I don't know were he is going to put me. He is opening new areas that don't have the church established in them. He said "I'm opening up some new areas that don't have the church there at all and will need some missionaries to establish the church there, I'll probably send you to one of them and see what you're really made out of." hahah So I do know that I am getting transferred, but just don't know where yet. Transfer calls are not until next Friday so we will see.
Well it is starting to get cold again. I am ready for Round 2 of winter. I bought myself a nice fur hat to keep me extra warm this winter. 
We had quiet the week in Fort Frances! Tuesday we went to go help Ed with some service and then after that we went to Kenora to go on exchanges with our district leader. Mom I am so good at Tie Trading..... Like I have some of the nicest paisleys.....haha It's all about the sales pitch eh. haha but I traded this tie from this elder in Kenora and by the time we were leaving he really wanted his tie back haha. It is a purple paisley with nice blue in it. Anyway back to missionary work...We came home Thursday and we went and taught Nancy and Ed and they are just so ready fro baptism, they just need to act. I would really love to see them baptized before I leave.
Saturday we had movie night and we watched The Other Side of Heaven. Sister Oster Invited her friend Jessica to come to movie night and she came. I coached Jessica's son Ethan in soccer! so I Know them pretty well. After the movie Jessica asked for a priesthood blessing, because she was going through some hard times. She asked me to give the Blessing, and so I did. Elder Shepherd and I talked about the blessing. And I was like do you think she liked it? like felt the spirit? we both didn't know because she was just really quiet afterward. So we just thought to ourselves that she did. So Sister Oster talked to us yesterday and said "Elders Elders! I am so happy." she said that Jessica and her were emailing on facebook after movie night. She said Jessica loved movie night and wants to keep coming. Then she told us that Jessica loved the blessing.  Jessica said, "I don't know how to tell you how I felt, I have never experienced anything that before in my life...I don't know how to put it in words, but I felt like a weight was lifted, I have never felt something like that before". Then she told Sister Oster that she wants to come to church. We are teaching her this Saturday!!!!
Elder Shepherd will carry this area no problem he is a good elder. We have had a lot of fun serving together.
Well mom I miss you so much! and miss the family. It won't be to long until we are all together again. I know that the Gospel is true.
Love you and all of you so much!! :))
-Elder Clark

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Week #61

Hello mother,
Well we did have a good week. Every week is good in Fort Frances. On Tuesday we taught Nancy and Ed and they are just getting closer and closer, we are going to set a date with them this week. They are really progressing in the gospel, both of them came to conference both days! And there was specific talks that were for them and they recognized it. We did teach Levi again, and we really don't know if he's investigating or just trying to debate with us. "He does not believe in god, he believes in science." We are going to just go figure it out with him this week. We also visited Karen and Jeremy this week and Jeremy doesn't believe in god, but we just sat back and asked him inspired questions and he really listened to what we had to say. The best way to teach, is by the spirit. We have also been helping Brad with moving  he teaches me Ojibwa (native language) I have actually learned a lot.  Grandma would have loved to hear me speak native language.
Since Karen is less active we are really trying to reach out to her to strengthen her by serving her boyfriend Jeremy and we helped him lift a car that he is restoring. We were making things to lift it. It was fun I was using the plasma cutter! haha
We have just been busy with teaching and working through the members to find and it is going really good. We still walk everywhere, but no one is out it seems. Well hunting season, and school has started so I think that is why no one is out on the streets but we still try to talk with everyone. We contacted this lady on the street and she said we could come teach her family, she also said that her husband was a pastor for the Lutheran church, so it should be interesting and fun so teach them.
This week is going to fly by, we have to travel to Kenora and go on exchanges, but the drive there is just beautiful. This week will be good, but fast.
I don't really know if I will be staying in Fort Frances next transfer....because president sent Elder Shepherd down here because he felt like he could carry the area, and I feel good about it too. We have a lot of fun together. He is smart. Before his mission he started his own business and he has a five year contract with a company so his whole mission is getting payed for from is business! Pretty neat.
I really do love the Osters! they are such a great family, I know that I was specifically sent to this area for that family mom, I just know that I was sent here for them.
I do know that the gospel is true and that this is the most rewarding way we can live our life. I pray for all of you each day. I do love you all so much.
love love love love you, and all of you! :)
-Elder Clark

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Week #60

Hello mother :))

This week wasss sooo gooodd!!! we have been teaching and teaching. We taught an investigator named Levi, and he is very well educated in science. We prayed that we would not be confounded before men. As we taught him we knew exactly what to say and we were not confounded, his very words were, "I'm stumped" he promised to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. We are still teaching Nancy and Ed! they are doing great! This Sunday we sat in the chapel for church. What a rich experience that was to be in the chapel having sacrament meeting. The spirit was strong. I am confident that we can keep it consistent.
The Osters are just doing so good. I know I was sent here for that family mom. It is so wonderful to see them living the gospel and the immediate blessings they are receiving
The gospel is the good news, just like blues clues, and yes the book is true. haha but really everyone needs it.
I love being out here and it is just flying by mom. I only have 9 months left....it is unreal how fast it does go.
love you so much! :))
I am sad that grandma is gone, but I will pray for the family.
Elder Clark :))

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Week #59

Well this week was very good. On Tuesday we taught Nancy and Ed again and they are doing very very good. Nancy said she prayed about the Book of Mormon and that when she prayed she felt an overwhelming feeling of peace. She is getting closer and closer. Then after our lesson we had a fish fry! it was so good I loved it. They came to church this Sunday again and really enjoyed it! The Osters are still doing great and Sister Oster is just sharing the gospel with all of her friends.
So we traveled to transfers and I dropped off Elder Weeks and then picked up Elder Shepherd. Elder Shepherd is a really good elder. He has his head on straight I am excited to see what happens this transfer!
Well the craziest thing happened when Elder Shepherd came to Fort Frances. We were woken up in the middle of the night at like 4 in the morning. Some car came flying down our street and ended up breaking a telephone pole in half and then smashing into another pole.....So I am thinking that someone hit our car and so I go to look at our car and nothing. Then I look out our front door and their is some car on fire! so I'm like elder get your clothes on there are people hurt. We rush out to this car and there are two girls just hurt really bad. Their was blood everywhere. They were really really drunk, and there was a guy who was in the passenger seat and he was fine and so we were like we need a phone we will call 911.Then he starts cussing us out and saying I don't want to go to jail! so then the car starts getting more on fire and these girls are still in the car and we didn't want to get them out because we could have hurt them even more since we are not certified to do so. So the girls finally get them selves out of the car and it was gross, they just looked like zombies. It was a gross scene. Then they all ran and took off before the cops came....haha but they got to the hospital and then got their punishments. It was crazy though. We were the only people on our street helping them at first and then the rest of the neighbor hood woke up and was out there with us.
So then we had zone conference this week followed by district conference and I was in priesthood leadership meetings on Saturday so it was a weird first few days for Elder Shepherd not a lot happened since we were busy with a lot of other things.
But our week  is looking  busy, and we have so much going on this week it is going to be great!
But yeah everything else is going really good.
Last night we were on exchanges with the assistants.  We went to contact this investigator named crystal but we had to cross the train track to get there which means we had to go through the bush (woods) and it is a little scary because  a lot of bears are in town. haha but we were safe :) but we ended up walking there and got stopped by a less active that we were trying to get in contact for a while. It is neat when you are just lead by the spirit not knowing the things that will happen just like Nephi.
Well I really do know that the gospel is true and that it has blessed my life. This is the best thing I have ever done. I know the church is true.
love you and all of you so much.
All is well
-Elder Clark :))

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Week #58

Well mother We had another great week!!
We were actually out of our area for  most the week going on exchanges with our district leaders so that was good we got to see how they were fishing and what we could help them with.

 Well we were able to help our missionaries out on exchanges so I am happy about that. We got transfer calls I am Staying in Fort Frances, and Elder Weeks is going to Saskatchewan. I for sure thought that I was leaving but I am staying. Reason is, well President gave me my transfer call earlier and said that it didn't feel right to transfer me he didn't want to leave my companion here because he didn't think he would be able to carry the area. so I am staying. Which I am really happy about and the new elder that is coming in is Elder Shepherd and he will be Zone leader with me. We have so much going on here now. We have Walked and talked with everyone and have not really got much from it but we have 7 investigators that have all come from members. We taught Nancy and Ed this week and they are just solid. They came to church again this week and we went to the church the next day and we saw Nancy their cleaning the church with the Relief Society sisters! That is just great fellowship. Peter has been busy with night shifts so we haven't been able to teach him this week :( but we are going to this week.
AHHH the Osters are doing so great mom! what a huge miracle that they are back at church and just loving and living the gospel. Their son Boden passed the sacrament this Sunday and brother Oster gave a great talk. Sister Oster is just on fire with missionary work! when she was a teenager in chili the mission president in that area set a goal for 1000 baptisms in 3 months and so as a teenager she went out and knocked doors with her friend and taught people in parks and they all got baptized! So at her work she told a co worker that she was a Mormon and her co worker went to salt lake for a surgery and so Sister Oster said when you go there please take a picture of the temple for me. She brought her back a marble stone with the temple on it. So she is going to invite her over for dinner and have us there and have us teach! Things are just happening. There are still days were it is slow, but that is just how missionary work is, not everyday is the best, but it is just so rewarding. I want to keep in touch with that family for ever.
We had 15 people at church this Sunday and it was great. We had some members that were out of town and some less actives that were sick. There is a real nasty bug going around here so it was a real excuse. But I am happy with that. We want 20 or more.  We are trying to keep the number of church attendance from 15-25 so any of those numbers or numbers in between  is great. Because then it is not a huge back slide. But this coming Sunday we should have 25 again. Plus it is district conference.
Well things are going great here we have to travel in Thursday for transfers so it should all be good. I know this gospel is very much real and true. Life is great, but time is really flying by. In 3 transfers I will be out a year and a half and transfers just keep flying by.......ha in 3 months I'll be talking to you at Christmas time...crazy!

Well life is great and I love you and all of you a lot. And yes I got your package! thank you so much for those Oreos :))
love you
All is Well:)
-Elder Clark

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Week #57

Well Mom,  Miracles, Miracles, Miracles!
First of all we taught 2 of our investigators Nancy and Ed Grenall and they are just solid mom, they are just great. They came to church this Sunday and we are teaching them again tomorrow. Nancy's sister is a Mormon in BC and her husband is a bishop. Nancy has read the book of Mormon like twice and her husband Ed is really investigating, they both are. Also we were able to get a new investigator this week, Karen's boyfriend Jeremy said that he is willing to learn now, so we will see how that goes.
We weren't able to teach Peter this week,  some things fell through :( but he still came to church and he bought a white shirt and tie. His son who just turned 8 wants to get baptized and so this is huge progress and we haven't been able to teach him again. We do keep daily contact with him. We won't be able to teach him this week either because he will be working a ton. But we are still just going to try and teach him. I know he will get baptized He is so prepared. We have a total Of 7 Solid investigators and they have all come from Members! We haven't found any from street contacting or anything else they have all been from members. Now some of them did take a while to get, but this a better way through the members of the church. As we continued to be diligent and try everything and not give up, God has blessed us with very prepared people.
There Is a foundations laid here for other missionaries to come in and continue to help it grow. We had 26 people at church yesterday!!!!! the only person from out of town was president McDonald, the district president. The rest were members, less actives  and investigators. We had 3 investigators at church and 9 less actives there. We had 3 families there which is huge! This area has blessed my life. I have seen God's hand here. It is incredible. I know that the principle of Enduring to the End is true and that it helps us become better. "Pray like it is all up to God and work like it is all up to you." This church is true and Christ lives and this is his work. Time and time again for almost 2 and a half years or even more a good attendance for this branch was 4 or 3 members and it was the same when I was here for the 5 months. But as we loved and served these less actives again and again during these 5 months and teaching them the gospel and teaching their friends they have returned and brought their families!
It has been great to serve here, I don't know what is happening with transfers. I am really nervous lol. Mainly because President Thomas  doesn't know what to do with me lol. The assistants are joking with me and are telling me that I will go back to the office....lol But I don't know if they are joking, because one of the assistants is going back home. I think they are trying to pull my leg....I think. Other people tell me I am leaving and then some say I am staying. So I am just super confused and I am not thinking about it or worrying about it.
But this week we have Exchanges, and then We will get transfer Calls on Friday, so next Monday we will find out what happens. Oh and yeah when you are in an area for 6 months you need to get a drivers license. Manitoba took my WA license and I have a Manitoba license,
Well I am glad things are still going good there. I do Know that this is God's work and his timing and that all things are possible through the power of God.
Love you and all of you so much :)
All is Well
-Elder Clark

Monday, September 2, 2013

Week #56

Hello mother!!!
Mom great things are still happening in the great Fort Frances. This Sunday we had about 15 people there which is great. It wasn't a big drop at all. This Sunday in the town there will be a power outage and when that happens nobody works on Sunday so I think we will have the big 20 at church this Sunday!!! I am so excited for it. Hey I got my box thank you so much for those ties. Those are beautiful ties I don't know if I could ever trade them. I think I might have the best ties in the mission haha. Mom can you believe it? With patience and diligence we have been able to triple our attendance down here in Fort Frances!!!  I am so thankful for a God that I know does care and loves his children. It still blows my mind that this has happened. And the members and less actives are fellowshipping together greatly!! We couldn't ask for anything better. 
We did have a good week though.  And this week will be so good. We have like 5 or 6 appointments with investigators that we plan on teaching twice. Also, we are going to teach Peter this week. He is doing so good. He came to Church this Sunday with his kids, but his wife had to work. She is a less active member, but still he came without her so that is huge.
Guess what I have been doing all day today??? President Tovey took us golfing today!  President Tovey, his son Jay, Peter, and us all went Golfing today and played 18 holes and all tied at 93 pretty good hey. But after that we all went out to the harbour for lunch. Best p-Day I have ever had I think. Mom.....my face is getting Fat!! oh no.....good thing I have a year left to get in shape.
There is no way in the world that I would be out here at all unless I knew what I was doing, saying, and teaching were true. I do know that God is There and that he is loving and merciful. I know that his son Jesus Christ is the Christ, and that his atonement will always be there for us to apply when times are at it's worst. I have felt the redeeming and the enabling power of the atonement. I know that through the atonement we are forgiven and that that power enables us to do and become better. The scriptures are true. If we put limits on ourselves, we won't accomplish anything. God knows our potential and we can accomplish anything that he would require of us. The church is true.
All is well:)
-Elder Clark

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Week #55

This week was incredible! We just still worked worked worked as usual. There are days where I am just so tired, but once I am up it is just another day. It really seems like its just regular life down here, but it is just routine of doing it everyday.
Well this week was just so hot there were 3 days were it got up to 40 or 45 degrees oh man it was hot, and humid. There is no in between here in Canada it is either you are supper cold or just supper hot.
Well this week we talked with a lot of people and found 5 potential people to teach which is good. I am thinking about going out to the reserve and do some work out there and just see what happens, but I don't know. There is this lady that tells us the same story everyday and it gets pretty funny she tries to tell us that she is the best neighbor in town but I think she is just a little crazy.
On Thursday we were finally able to visit with sister Maki we haven't seen her all summer and she needs to come to church and well her summer activities are almost over and so I think she will start coming, we will see. AlsoI can't believe that it is almost September. We were on exchanges with the assistants on Thursday and so it was good to get double the amount of work done. I think that's the reason why I  like exchanges because you get more work done. Friday we were able to see the Osters and teach them and we made fried ice cream and it was really good. After that we went to go visit Doug Olson. We shot some bows with him because he is getting ready for moose season. It was pretty fun. I hope he comes back to church.
Well on Saturday we had a big BBQ at the park for the branch and we had a good turn out. Peter who is now an investigator and his less active wife came to the BBQ they had fun and so did their kids. I think she is trying to find you on Facebook her name is Christine Nielsen. We had a good day on Saturday. we were able to teach one of our investigators this week so that was good she said we weren't going to convert her.....hmmm lol.
On Sunday we had 19 people that attended. The Osters came again and Peter and his family came Christine had to work, but it was just so good to see them there. We set up an appointment with Peter on Tuesday and so I am excited to teach him he is so prepared and ready. I can't believe that we had 19 people there we are so close to getting 20 and probably even 22 and then we can sit in the chapel! I am so grateful for the principle of Consistency. I have seen the Lords timing work and I trust in the lords timing more than ever now. I personally believe that everything I have learned out here are principles that I will apply when I am home and get older. I do know by the power of the holy ghost that this church is true and that the work is real!
When the assistants were up we went to the chip truck and got some poutine!! oh it was I think the best poutine I have had. and if you don't know what poutine is...ask Sister Dyches. She will know.
Sunday I played the Drums with the bag pipers in front of the whole town of Fort Frances, oh and not to mention TSN!! (The Sports Network) I will send you pictures.
love you so much mom and I am so grateful for you and for my family. I love all of you too much.
All is well:)
-Elder Clark

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Week #54

 We had miracles......I don't even know where to start.
This week we  talked to 60 or more people that where either put in our paths or where on the streets. That is pretty good for a small town like this. Everywhere I went I just shared the gospel and tried to get people that we could teach, and eventually my companion started talking to people which is good I think it helped him out a lot. The key and secret to missionary work...is work. We found a new investigator this week who was actually a referral from our branch president. We taught her and we will be teaching her next week.
 So on Thursday we had F.H.E ( family home evening) with a less active part member family at the church and it was super good. We played basketball and ping pong and I taught her son how to skateboard. We shard a lesson and the kids loved it. The next day her husband who is a non-member calls us up and says can he meet us somewhere. We told him to  come meet us at the church. He comes and brings us a bunch of food and vegetables from their garden. So casually I shared the gospel with him and invited him to church he said he worked this Sunday but that he would come next Sunday! and the best thing is that his wife Christine who is less active said that her husband told her brother that if they were in Winnipeg, that he would join the church, but we are going to get him to join the church here!
This Sunday Christine and her family came to church. Christine used to hate the missionaries and the church, but she felt the spirit Sunday morning and decided to come. I taught primary..haha. and the Oster family came to church! every single one of them came and they were in their Sunday best. When I started out here there were only 5 people coming. There were days when only 3 came. This Sunday we had 17 people there. If we can keep it up we can get 25 and that is a normal size for a branch.
I know that faith means to trust, but we also have to trust in his timing. There is a quote that I live by and I think it is a country song too. It is..."pray like it is all up to god, and work like it is all up to you." This work is true I see it time and time again. We had a fantastic week.
Here is something humbling and neat. We are in a district and it is just us and two other elders, and one of the elders is  our district leader and we are his zone leaders, it is confusing I know haha. but anyway President Thomas was down here for the week, and our district leader said that when President was talking to him he said that the Fort Frances elders are just the greatest. He said that with those two elders in your district, you probably have the best district in the whole mission. It was humbling to hear that because this is the hardest area in the mission. There is no other area like it.
 All is well:)
-Elder Clark

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Week #53



The Osters, the family that we have been working with for 5 months are coming back!! they will be coming back this Sunday for good. She was telling me that when everything had happened, and when she was  offended, that she was just done with all churches in general and that she didn't even care about eternity, but then we showed up and brought them again unto Christ. She is such a wonderful lady and I have come to like her and her family very much.
We helped a former less active branch president cut down trees and boy I was using the chainsaw and everything. I am so glad dad and you taught me how to work because it doesn't do any good to show up to a former less active branch president not knowing what you are doing,  but after the whole service he told us at the end that he is still not coming back to church. Oh well.
Yesterday we were out on the river walk and we met a couple from Germany. I really  hope they will call us. They had a lot of questions and were interested in what we were saying. I want to teach them.
We went to mow a members lawn and her gas tank was leaking...I am glad we found that before we started mowing. Oh and here is something you will like...
Last Monday we went to go teach President Tovey and his wife, but his whole family was there. His son and daughter and her boyfriend Moishe, and he is Jewish. We taught all of them the restoration! Moishe was asking us so many questions, and before we sat down for dinner he was talking to me and said..."do you believe that Adam an Eve partook of the fruit?" and I said yeah we believe that they were the first children to come to earth and that because of that they were kicked out of the garden.... and he says "oh absolutely they were the first children on earth, but actually the fruit is a metaphor that they were  kicked out for, the reason why they were kicked out was because Adam found the orgasm, yeah they found the orgasm so that's why they were kicked out." haha oh man...I was just like..uhhh false. I was laughing on the inside so hard. Sometimes you just have to let it all roll off your back. They were very fun people to converse with. That is my funny story for the week.

 All is well :)
-Elder Clark

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Week #52

Well mom I didn't get transferred. President told me he would only keep me for one more transfer, so I think this is my last transfer here in Fort Frances.
I have lost myself out here and found myself. Everyday is a battle, but at the end it is rewarding. I want to make it clear....that I know that Christ lives. I know it with all of my heart.
I can't believe it is August!  soon it will be Christmas , and then just 6 months left, I can feel it. Everyone says your last year goes by super fast and I am afraid for it. 

I personally know that God gives us trials, not because he wants us to suffer but I believe he wants us to see how we will react to them. It becomes more and more clear to me each day how patient and loving God is. I have realized that when we react negatively to a big or small trial, that we loose faith and trust in our Savior and in our Father in Heaven.  I know things will turn around here in Fort Frances and even if they don't before I leave, it will be OK because this area just needs a lot of love.

This week however, we only had a total of 5 people at church. But we are still close, there are good things coming. The Osters will be coming back on august 25th for sure. We sat down with them both person to person and Sister Oster said that she doesn't care what happens, if she gets offended, or doesn't feel loved. She said that none of that matters because she just wants to go back to church and the whole family will be coming starting august 25. We had a great week though. We got 2 new investigators and they were a referral from a member and the member went with us to teach them. They are very prepared I am excited. Also we got a referral from Sister Oster, she wanted us to teach someone at her work,  and it was perfect because we do service at her work and he was there when we were doing service. Now we are teaching him and we are seeing him again this Tuesday.
This Thursday and Friday we were in Kenora and wow the drive there is one of the best drives ever it is just beautiful. But we went there to go on exchanges and then I got to interview someone for baptism which is always exciting.

I am grateful for the spirit in weekly planning. Elder Weeks and I have  the best plans for this week. We are taking a new approach at this less active work. What we are going to do is go and teach our members and we will teach them about missionary work or about the gospel and then we will have them watch this video


and after the video the commitment will be...." sister or brother...., this week will you reach out to (so and so) and see how she is doing?" "we will make sure to follow up with you.... or "sister or brother...., this week will you reach out to the Osters and see how they are doing?" great we will follow up with you. We are so excited about this because the members don't even know what in the world to do with the progress record and home teaching and visiting teaching never happens, so in order for the less actives to really have their hearts soften, they need to see that the members care about them.  Hopefully this may even change the attitude of the members. :))
I think that slowly President Tovey's wife will come around :) we are teaching her twice this week.

We are just going to go go go this transfer none stop.
 All is well :)
-Elder Clark

Friday, August 2, 2013

Week #51

I can't believe that the fair is only 2 weeks away. Summer is almost over it is really crazy. Transfer calls are this week and we have to go to Kenora to interview someone for baptism and then get on skype for MLC with president and the other leaders in the mission. I hope they give us the transfer calls then. I really don't know if I will be getting transferred or not.....But if not then I will just keep going at it down here. This Sunday we had a total of 9 people at church. We are so close I can just feel it. We have a potential of getting 20 people to church and I really think we can do it. We taught President Tovey's wife and she said that we could continue to share the lesson with her, so this week we will be teaching her the restoration. Then after we taught her we taught or investigators Paige and Chris. Well the first lesson that we taught them was....The Law of Chasity! it was so good too she loved it. It was a really good Law of Chasity lesson. She wants to work toward marriage and she also wants to work towards baptism!! what a blessing. She used to be atheist and practice witchcraft, but she now believes in God and wants to follow Jesus Christ and be baptized. So we will see how it goes :)
This Thursday we had zone conference and Elder Weeks and I gave training to 3 zones on asking inspired questions, it went really good. Then when we came home we were able to visit Doug Olson, we will keep loving and serving him.

This Saturday we had a movie night at the church and the members are now going to use this for their missionary work, so they are all going to invite one friend out to movie night. It was an OK turn out we had a less active family come out and the Branch President, but it was better than nothing. So we are going to keep doing it and see where it takes us.

This week has been good we are still just trying to get people to church believe it or not. I honestly think that this is the hardest area I have ever had.....4 months of the same thing getting people back to church. We have made huge progress. I have been discouraged and have felt like I just want to give up, teaching less actives is harder than teaching investigators.....I have felt defeated in so many ways, like nothing is working. But I know that this gospel is true and pure and I know that God is always there. Because when we feel like nothing is working, is when things start to work.

In Mormon chapter 9:20-21 it says
 20 And the reason why he ceaseth to do miracles among the children of men is because that they dwindle in unbelief, and depart from the right way, and know not the God in whom they should trust 
21 Behold, I say unto you that whoso believeth in Christ, doubting nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted him; and this promise is unto all, even unto the ends of the earth.

I still give it my all everyday and I still will give 100% even if things do or don't turn around, whatever Heavenly Father's will is.
I have seen miracles that I cannot deny. I have seen people change their lives, and I have seen my life change. I know that this is the only true church on the earth no matter how bold that sounds, it is true. and people need what we have.

I know that Jesus Christ lives. Joseph Smith did restore the gospel on the earth.
All is Well :)
-Elder Clark

Monday, July 22, 2013

Week #50

This week was.....really really odd. Like nothing happened. We had to travel and go on exchanges with some of the district leaders in our zone, and when we got back we only had like Friday, Saturday and Sunday to work in our area.  And only 3 people came to church on Sunday, well actually 5 if you count President Tovey and President Jensen. We only had 1 member and 2 less actives as our audience. I was pretty mad and frustrated actually because I have just been trying and trying with these less actives and man Satan is just pulling out the big guns and people are using their agency. But I told myself that there is no point in being frustrated or complaining. So it just means that this week I will have to just work work work!  But we already have a bunch of things going this week!
 Tuesday we have  church tours set up so hopefully people come to that and then this Saturday is the big movie night and we will be watching One Man's Treasure, we just need to get people out to these activities.
While on exchanges I went to go stay with some other elders because one of the elders was struggling with a lot of different things going on. As I sat down with him I just asked him some questions and he told me that he doesn't know if any of this is true and said that he wants to believe it but  he has never felt the spirit ever in his life. I listened to him and asked some more questions and then taught him. But yet he was still struggling with all of his questions and he just wanted to give up and go home. So I testified of The Book of Mormon and said "I know this gospel is true so lets pray about it elder." So we all prayed and I said a prayer. I was shaking in my boots like crazy I was praying so hard to myself just hoping that he would receive an answer. I was scared to be honest. Then he prayed and  asked god if he was just there for him and to feel his hand in his life, and I told him to just wait and listen to your feelings. We waited for 10 minuets just silent. He was crying, the spirit was so strong in there and then he looked up and said " I don't know what to think" I thought to myself oh no.....but then he goes on to say that all of his life he has always had these different things going on in his mind and he has just never been able to get rid of them and that it has always given him trouble and has scared him, and then he said when I was done praying everything just left and he felt so much peace enter into his mind and has never had that before, but didn't  know if that was the spirit. I testified that it was and then we all rejoiced with one another just like in D&C 50:22
  "  22 Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together."
That is neat that Taylor is serving in Ohio for a bit! that will be good for her :) I have no idea how long they will keep me here for....so we will see.
I know that god answers prayers, and I know that when we get frustrated... it's because we are trying to do it all on our own. Sometimes we just have to realize that it is in someone elses hands. I do know that The Book of Mormon is true and that Joesph Smith was a prophet of god.
Love you so much mom and love all of you
All is Well
-Elder Clark :)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Week #49

Well I don't really know how to explain how crazy our week was, but I will try.
On Tuesday we had our zone training meeting, Elder Weeks and myself had the idea to do like a TRC (teaching resource center) situation like in the MTC. So we did our portion on Listening in chapter 10 of PMG, (Preach my gospel) and what we did was  have less actives and members come and pretend to play investigators, and so the missionaries had the opportunity to teach these people. One of our less active member Grad Wagner brought 2 of his non member friends, their names were Paige and Chris. Paige told me that she was only here for the food and didn't care about religion. She even told me that she was an atheist, and that she was going to let the elders have it with all the questions she has. I said perfect, just be yourself haha. So the elders are teaching her and she just starts crying and they invited her to come to church and she said yes! hah. Later that day however...Brad Wagner's wife's brother Joe, shot himself in Brad's house....Paige and Chris were very good friends with Joe. It was weird for me too because I was just talking to Joe 3 weeks ago and he was wanting to change his life and now all this happened. So later that day we went to go visit Brad and we gave him a Priesthood blessing and then gave Paige a blessing as well...she was crying at the end of the blessing and we were able to teach her and her boyfriend, and now they are new investigators. What a miracle, her view of God has totally changed.
We went to Kenora on exchanges this week and we got up at 4:30 in the morning and went fishing!  I caught like 2 fish and another elder caught a big Bass and so we cut them open and then had a fish fry for lunch ha.
Some other crazy stuff has been happening....we taught a less active who hasn't been to church in 15 years and he came to church this Sunday. We had a good turn out this Sunday we were close to getting 20 people there, but Satan pulled out the big guns! I just got out of a Branch Presidency meeting and it was good, I brought up the idea of doing a movie night every Saturday. The members are so on board and so I hope they invite their friends!. President Tovey is so on board for member missionary work. Their is a harvest about to happen! We kind of have a youth group going. On Wednesday we have 6 non member young men coming out to play basketball, so hopefully we can start teaching their family.
So we taught a former Branch President and his wife, and we invited them to church and they said yes...I was so shocked. When Sunday came around, they didn't show up....I was Ticked! my goodness. Luckily we have to Osters coming back and brother Oster wants to be in charge of the movie night, so that is good he wants to get involved with missionary work.
Other than that this week has just been crazy with Joe and everything. I'm just ready to go out and keep giving it all that I can. We have a goal of getting 23 people to church this week, so I'm ready to hit the streets!
Well honestly it feels unreal that I have been out here a year....it is going way to fast mom. It is so hot and humid here......it's like you freeze all winter and sweat all summer there is no in between.
I know that the power of the Priesthood is real, that God is really there, that Jesus Christ extends his arm to all. This gospel is true, this church is the only true church....and I know all of this to be true.
All is Well:)))
-Elder Clark

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

About Robert

Just wanted to say that Robert will have been out for one year on July 11th. I have seen this boy grow so much because of his choice to serve a mission. I am very proud of him and the man he has become. Canada is lucky to have him for one more year.

Love from his Mother, Kay

Week #48

This week was really good. Monday we found 4 new investigators from playing basketball and we will be teaching them again this week.
Well we had a miracle....starting next week we have a less active family that told President Tovey they would be coming back weekly. The Osters are coming back for good they said starting next Sunday! :) patience is real. We have been working with them for 4 months and it really did pay off. I think telling people in the right setting that their eternal salvation is at stake really gets them thinking, because I told them that. We have a book of Mormon class starting up and we might be having a non member show up she is prepared she went to the church growing up.

On Wednesday night, we went to visit a former branch president. He told us the same story over and over, so I just asked him....do you love god? do you love him enough to keep his commandments? then why aren't you doing it? then I  asked him how it felt to go through the temple with his wife. He said great.... I then said,  then why aren't you keeping your covenants? it was the neatest thing I asked him if he wanted to be with his family forever and he said yes, I said then how will that happen. He said, well be an example and be there for them and plus we were sealed in the temple. I told him the blessing is for those who qualify and right now.  I told him....why do you think I'm here? he said because it's a commandment to be on a mission and you want to share the gospel and your doing what you should be doing...I said...your wrong.....I told him I was out here because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I asked him....do you realize that the atonement can help you overcome the hurt feeling that you have been through? he said yes I know that, I understand that. I said no you don't, you don't understand that one bit. I then bore my testimony of the Savior and Atonement, and many more things did I say. He just sat there and he began to cry he felt the spirit so much, and then we just showed him an increase of love and I told him that we loved him and he said he loved us too. When you love and serve them you can teach them and they don't get offended. They know it's because you love them.And before we left, he said....I'm going to talk to my brother about all this and coming back to church. I really think we can get these former branch president's back. I love these guys a lot and the great thing is that they love us too.

Then we got back on Saturday and we were heading to the church and I had the prompting to stop by Kenny's house. He told us that Doug Olson's wife was in the hospital and that she needed a blessing, we hurried and went to the hospital and gave her a blessing. Doug thought we were still in Saskatchewan so he didn't know who to call or get and so he was worried and then we showed up and gave her a blessing and I told him if it wasn't for that prompting we wouldn't be here. Then yesterday we saw Kenny Olson and he said that he was on the phone with Doug yesterday and Doug was all worried because we were in SK and so Kenny went and prayed and felt that everything would be OK and then seconds later we showed up at Kenny's house....I love the spirit and I am glad I listened to it. I am confident that if we keep working with these two that we can get them back.

Well I love you and love all of you so much. I know the church is true! 
All is Well:)
 -Elder Clark

Monday, July 1, 2013

Week #47

Well this morning we marched in the Canada parade with the highlanders. I played snare and everything. What a great way to have the whole community to see us. Well now that I am a Zone leader, it is back to being busy with exchanges and giving training, I'm just really happy we aren't as busy as like I was as an assistant, we have way more time to work in our area and do work!
My companion is Elder Weeks. He is great, I think we will work well together. I have realized that it doesn't matter who you work with or serve with, as long as you both have one thing in common, and that is doing the lords work and fulfilling our purpose. But it is good though because we have a lot in common. It is so hot down here. It got up to 30 degrees and plus humidity. You are just hot and sticky. It is hard for me to breathe up here in this weather, I was a huffin and puffin, I need some Washington air.
Well Zach just got back from vacation so we are going to text him this week and see where he is at.
 This week we have to travel all the way to Saskatchewan for a mission leader council, so we will  leave Thursday and we won't get back till Saturday. This week is gonna go by to fast.
Well I must say I am excited to serve with Elder Weeks. We have come up with a new finding idea. Usually we have just been talking with everyone on the streets to and from appointments, but now we are really focusing on teaching the less actives that will receive us. We are still working with the former Branch Presidents too. Our finding idea is called "activity of the day" we have basketball on Monday nights, Book of Mormon class on Tuesday nights, and we want to do a family home evening night. The branch doesn't have a youth group, so we are going to try and get a youth group together. Here is how it will work.  On the day of the activity instead of just passing out pass along cards and sharing the restoration we are going to invite people to an activity day. Whoever shows up will be what we have to show for  our day of finding. I am excited and I think it will be good.  People are more receptive to an event or activity rather than talking about prophets.   We are going to try and have our members at those activities. I'm not sure how it wall all happen but we are acting in faith.  It would be good to have facebook  here because when we coach soccer, all of those families have facebook, and that's how they all checked the soccer games.  We can add them as friends and invite them to an activity like F.H.E or Youth group. I'm excited!

We still had a good week though, we were able to finally get in contact with some of the less actives that have been busy. We taught two former branch presidents who are less active, they still need a lot of work.

Other than that everything is going good. Elder Weeks and I are seriously going to try and do all we can to hit standard each week so that we set the example for the zone. The Osters didn't come this Sunday....I don't know what happened....but sacrament meeting was great, the spirit was there, the speakers where given topics, and we were edified together. President Tovey is a game changer I think. He will really be the rock for this branch, and his wife finally agreed to have a missionary lesson with us :) we need her. Things are going good.
Well mom everything is going good, I really couldn't be happier. I know the church is true there is no better work.
All is Well :)
-Elder Clark

Monday, June 24, 2013

Week #46

Well we got our transfer calls... They are opening up a Zone in Ontario..Elder Camarena is getting transferred to Kenora, Ontario about 2 hours away from Fort Frances to train a new missionary. I will be staying in Fort Frances serving with elder Weeks and we will be the Zone Leaders for the Ontario Zone. Well I guess I'm back in leadership again. I was thinking of a good name for the Zone....The O Zone haha. jk. But I am excited to serve as a zone leader. I will probably be a Zone leader for, well,  I don't even know how long. But it does mean I will be staying in Fort Frances for a While. I will miss Elder Camarena he made the best food and salsa.
Well we Had a Great week.
Last week and this week haven't been a good week for numbers...and I can't get my head around it....but we were completely busy the whole time. We met with Kenny Olson, the former branch president and his wife again. We weren't able to share anything, but she showed us her sewing room, which apparently she doesn't let anyone in...so we must be doing something right. I really feel like there is going to be a harvest soon. Elder Camarena and I have just planted so much here and now it is time to fire up combines and go to work.
 We have seen miracles. The Osters came to church again this Sunday and she enjoyed it. Because we have been volunteering for soccer,  a family that works with sister Oster at Rainy Crest, keeps asking sister Oster about the church and this week sister Oster is going to invite her to church and at soccer tonight we are going to invite her to have F.H.E,  also we are inviting another family of 4 to have family home evening and this family is the guy with the highlanders pipe band that we have been participating in. Finding through your talents is wonderful. Because we barley tract, meaning knocking on doors, people see us on the street and they come up to us and ask us what we do.      
Some of our less actives are out and about because of summer. But in the branch presidency meeting today I really emphasised the importance of home and visiting teaching and that it just can't be us, because then the less actives will come to church because of the missionaries.
So we helped an older gentleman paint his house the other day. He also doesn't believe in the Atonement of Christ, but after helping him, he has had a complete 180 change! We are helping him this Tuesday, so it will be good to help again and hopefully invite him to hear our message. Let me tell you something...I love handbooks it makes things so much easier. I am helping the branch presidency a lot (not saying this to be prideful) but I am just very lovingly and kindly pointing out things in the handbook and helping them understand what we should be doing. It's not their fault at all, they really don't know or have been taught or trained in leadership. One is an older man and the other is a recent convert of a year. So yeah I  will still be in the Branch presidency and I will be a Zone leader, I hope my head doesn't explode...ha no I will be fine.
I loved that broadcast! that is how missionary work needs to be! I loved the video of the family that all read their scriptures together,  prayed together,  and all invited their friends to hear the gospel through different activities such as basketball,  or at the market, through service, and dinner. And it was great because at every single one of those activities you saw missionaries. It is so true, the world has changed....no one likes it when you knock on their door. When I get home...that's like all I want to do is help the missionaries and help bring back less actives.
We played basketball again with some less active youth,  and all of his friends...they can't stop us, we beat them in ball all the time. I want to get a youth group out of them.
I read Taylor's email, sounds like she loves the MTC what a good experience the MTC was. I think I saw her singing in the choir, but I'm not sure.
 We have been playing squash every morning! ha so fun.
The church is true! the Gospel is real.
All is well,
-Elder Clark

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Week 45


The weather here is so humid......my goodness I am sweating like a dog. I am getting into shape too with the gym that we go to. We bought some squash rackets at the  Salvation Army for 3 dollars...the lady there just loves us ha. The summer is already going by fast. Transfer calls are this week and I think I will probably be  staying in the area for a while longer.  President told me I would be staying most likely because I'm in the branch presidency. I had to call a meeting on Sunday and help us as a council get on our feet because we have to get this branch functioning like a ward. I love the people here though :)
On exchanges with elder McDanel, we went to go see Kenny Olson, a former branch president. We talked to him a lot and he discussed his problems with us. We testified of the atonement and helped him understand that Christ will help you get through all of this and he is the the only one who can because he has gone through it for you. He was very receptive and  really started crying. We are stopping by this week to say hello to his wife again and to set something up for dinner. Also, a less active member who has been less active for years, really likes us. Her son Brett who is almost 16 told his mom, "These are the best missionaries we have ever had." We played her son and all of his friends in basketball with our white shirts and ties on and beat them 20-3 ha. But it was really good because now Brett and all of his friends,  are going to come play basketball at the church this Tuesday and we are going to give them a church tour. I feel  being her sons friend and getting him to try and come to church is softening her heart.

Some of our less actives have been out of town due to some summer vacations, but I'm pretty sure they are all back so we can visit them more. Well Zach didn't get baptized.... His mom just changed her mind at the last minuet. Zach was thinking about even going on a mission, but his family is really against the church.

We were able to teach President Tovey's wife this week and President Tovey said that we are the only missionaries that she has ever been receptive to!!, and now she wants us to come back and do dinner again. Sometimes we are not always able to teach the less active right then and there, sometimes we just visit to show that support and love and I think it helps them a lot. Now, if we can get this branch functioning like a ward, then I think the less actives will come back with the help of the members reaching out.

We taught the Osters on Saturday night and played Jenga with them. Sister Oster really felt the spirit, I think brother Oster might have something deeper...But at the end of the lesson they began to bring up the same concerns, and I just stopped them right there and just told them how it was... I told them that Satan doesn't want them to be together for eternity and told them it kills me to see how many blessings your family is missing out on. Elder Camarena and I worked as a team and just taught and testified all by the spirit. On Sunday Sister Oster and Boden came to church!!!!! and she looked very happy to be there. All the members were standing around with them and talking to Boden. It was a miracle. We have been working with them for 3 months.....I know that if we do all we can no matter how long it takes, that when the lord is ready, he will do his part in his own time.
We had a soccer tournament on Saturday and the community loves us. Soccer has helped us so much to show the community that we are here to help out. After soccer we went to the gas station and the girl who was at the cash register was really sad, so we talked to her and now we are meeting with her this week. Also on the way to church, some guy just came up and talked to us and wants us to come over on Wednesday, and said that he really wants to change his life! this work is the best.

I love being a missionary. And I KNOW that this church is true.

All is Well,
-Elder Clark

Monday, June 10, 2013

Week #44


Well we had a good week this week.
A members daughter who is less active has been against the church and missionaries for a long long time and just last week she randomly stopped us on the road and wants us out for a BBQ she likes us a lot and her husband is not a member and she has two kids = Potential! So that was really neat to see. Man we have just been working over and over again with these less actives and a less active family almost came to church yesterday but some how just  didn't.... :( it is so hard sometimes. But that is OK just gotta get back on the horse. The only way these less actives are coming back to church is if the members help us and reach out. The branch president is a great great guy but he has only been a member for a year and I think he just sometimes doesn't know what to do. So I have just been going through the handbook like crazy and I just need to bring it up in the next branch council meeting and just show them things that we should be doing. Because we are not really doing much. But it will all get better and it will start booming :)
Well a miracle happened the other day. We went to go stop by a former branch president who is less active and his wife is less active too and she as well hates the church and the missionaries, but She was sitting outside and we went to go talk to her and I had her laughing and smiling and now she wants to have us over for supper :) so that is a huge step.
Zach's interview for baptism is this Tuesday and he is getting baptized this Saturday and he has asked me to baptize him :) I am so grateful for this work mom. It is the hardest thing I have ever done but it is so rewarding.
Elder Camarena has been making Mexican food like crazy. His home made salsa is SO spicy.....my goodness it burns my mouth but tastes so good. Also we have been working out at a gym at like 6:00 in the morning it is 2 minuets away from our apartment.
Well all is going well over here. This week will be really busy with getting everything ready for Zach's baptism and also working with these less actives.

 All is Well, 
-Elder Clark

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Week #43

I am 20 years old.....what in the world that is crazy. What am I supposed to do now....I think I'll do missionary work.
Well this week was another great week. We are still just trying to break down the barriers here in Fort Frances. On Tuesday we were walking back to our apartment and this guy Randy stopped us and said that he senses that we are good guys and that he feels that he needs this in his life right now. We got his info and everything so we are trying to set up an appointment to meet with him.  Elder McDanel and I were on Exchanges  and we taught Father Wayne. We really laid the hammer down in a loving way. I am not sure if we will continue to meet with him, because he seems pretty lost and doesn't seem to listen to what we teach him, he just wants to play "20 Questions" it seems like. He doesn't believe what he preaches on Sunday too so it is a little strange.
On Thursday we gave a less active member Karen Jensen a priesthood blessing. She was going through some struggles and it had really helped her. She came to church again so that was the third time in a row that she came. We met with the Osters on Thursday night and their  son Boden asked us for a priesthood blessing as well. That boy could be such a powerful missionary. He wants to go back to church more than the parents, and he is only 11. The Osters had us over for supper and we just bore testimony that things are going wrong in their life because they don't have the gospel. The spirit was so strong there and you could see them just feeling it. We just need to keep working with them.

On Friday we met with some less active members and their hang up is the word of wisdom. We just asked them if they were even going to live it?  They said no. We then asked them if they even care about what we come and teach them? It threw them back a little and they had to think. Then they just started making excuses about how there is a difference between being an alcoholic and just having one drink. They don't see a problem with just one drink. I just stopped them right there and told them there is a huge difference. I told them there is a difference because either you don't want to follow God's commandments or you do. I told them that God loved them so much, but asked them if they loved God if they were willing to do the things that he asked them. The spirit was so strong and Elder Camarena and I just laid the hammer down in such a loving way and they just had nothing to say at all.  Not once did they speak while we testified and taught them principles of the Gospel. You could see them just really thinking about everything we were telling them.  I really think that the trick to teaching less actives is having a love, serve, then teach relationship with them. When you love and serve them they trust you and then you can "boldly" teach them.
This week was great though. We were just contacting people a lot. So this lady told Elder Camarena that she didn't want to listen to him because she said that we told her that her dogs don't go to heaven. So I asked him if he asked her if she had ever seen that movie, All Dogs Go to Heaven haha. He said no and I thought that defeats the purpose of God because he just doesn't create things without a purpose he is a God of order. So we looked it up in the bible and the scriptures and found the answer and asked President about it and he said the same thing that God doesn't create something without a purpose. So on Monday we saw her walking her dog and I said Elder there she is, so we parked the car and walked around the corner so we could be in her path and I said hello. She said hi and I asked her if she had ever talked to the missionaries. I used a missionary approach just to talk with her and then she said yeah but I don't believe in what you say and so I said pardon? Then she said, well you don't believe that my dog goes to heaven. So then I said, what do you mean?? That defeats the purpose of God he just doesn't create something for no reason...and then boom a huge 180 happened. She loves us now. She is so solid too. Every church has told her the same thing and now she is thinking about meeting with us and letting us teach her the gospel. Turns out she went to the church a bunch when she was growing up. Now she honks and waves to us all the time on the streets.
 Guess what? I am learning some Ojibwa (native language) hah!
I sure have a testimony of the gospel! It has brought me so much happiness. :) 
All is well,
-Elder Clark